Monday, August 11, 2008

out of my element...

Lately, I've been feeling weighed down. Things have been changing so fast. Between my job, school, church, and my personal life - things have been so rushed. Things at work are honestly, pretty crazy. Our shift is changing on September 1st, and I'm up for a new position. The big debate still continues. I cannot wait to get back out west. I just found out that I have to get new glasses, and all 4 of my wisdom teeth have to come out next month. Oh, Joy. I'm not complaining, I'm just taking it in stride. On a happier note, I have met some amazing people this past month. I don't want to jinx myself, so I'm not going to go into detail. Anywho, I have been staying pretty busy with shoots on the side. It's been a blast. I have written a ton of songs these past few months. I think I need to find someone to get them to. Well, I think thats about it for now. I'm headed to Raleigh tonight, that should be fun in 5:00 traffic. Wish me luck! :]

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's been a freakin while...

Where do I start? How bout' some photos!


The Fam Damily!
I'm playing catch up. I guess I need to try harder to write in here more often. Although, with it being 1:15am here, I feel too tired to write anything tonight. So, I'll leave with this.


Just so you know, I love this movie.

"That ain't no Etch-A-Sketch. This is one doodle that can't be un-did, Homeskillet!"

Monday, April 21, 2008

for sure.

well, it's been a while. life has changed so much this past year. where do i start? After I came home in March last year, I struggled for a while. Trying to find a job seemed to be the hardest thing to do on the planet. I finally made that happen, and I seem to be stuck here. I was having a great time with my neices and nephews, but little did we know that would change shortly. All but one, went home. This has not been an easy ride. I'm hoping that a positive attitude will get me far.
