Monday, April 20, 2009

53 days later...

53 days later, means 53 pounds lighter. Weird, huh? It's day 53 and I have lost 53 pounds! WHOO! It's taking some time for it to sink in. I never thought that this was possible. I already feel like a brand new person, and there is still more to come the harder I work at it. I am almost ashamed to look at pictures from before. I hated not loving myself for who I was on the inside. I would always stare in the mirror and wonder why I let myself get that way, it's not like I was having fun. I was killing myself slowly and I didn't realize it. Now, when I wake up, the first thing I do is smile at myself in the mirror - the Heather on the inside is finally being set free and is glowing on the outside. There is no more hiding, I hold my head up and I'm proud of myself. I don't like seeing people that I haven't seen in a few years, such as people I went to school with. They wouldn't have anything to do with me before, and that was shallow. But now, they want to. Why would you let something like that get in the way of seeing a person for who they really are? If you didn't have time for me in your life before, why would you want to make time for me now? I'm not saying that it's bad, I just don't understand it. Anywho, on to better things. As I was saying, me - I see me now, and I like it. Don't worry, I'm not conceited. I just seem to have a better outlook on life, the things around me, and the people that care about me the most. I appreciate everyone's encouragement, and support. Without friends and family, what would we be? I look forward to writing 53 days from now and shocking myself even more. I know I can do this, and I won't let anything hold me back this time. For now...